Love of Fashion


BAG REVEALED: /The Summer Edit/


As it is a nice sunny day here in England (well, in my garden anyway) I thought I would put a little post together about 'whats in my bag' and how Summer is a completely different ball game for it's contents than my Winter bag (see Winter post here). For starters, the bag itself, way way smaller! Whilst I do use my Mulberry in Winter, because lets face it, if I could marry it I would, Summer just screams smaller bag- I don't want to get hot carrying a huge holdall of a bag round, obvs? 

Then, the contents... Summer again means I dwindle my daily possessions down to the essentials. For starters, less make-up, screw carrying my whole make-up bag round with me, I take simply my foundation- in case it goes a little patchy as the day goes on- hot summer sun melting it and all, concealer, eyeliner and whatever lipstick I am wearing that day- if I had to choose just one, the lipstick would be the most important. Plasters- always a must. Summer shoes just love to give me blisters so I never leave without plasters anymore! And finally, a hair clip and sunglasses!

Then the constants... Phone, iPod, purse, keys. These never change. Always will they be in my bag, come rain or shine, hot or cold.

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